Our team
The Oak Church is working together with Mosaic Church, Leeds, and the Catalyst Network (part of the wider Newfrontiers family). We believe in clear submitted leadership. When the Bible talks about church leadership it is always submitted to God, servant-hearted, devoted, character driven and Jesus focused. There are many leaders at The Oak leading in various ministries but the whole team is led by the Senior Leadership Team - a team made up of Senior Leaders and Elders (the role of the Elders is to hold the Senior Leadership team accountable to the doctrine and direction of the church according to scripture).
The Senior Leadership team is made up of men and women submitted to Jesus, building His church and serving the world.
To contact a member of any of our teams, please visit the contact us page.
Senior Leadership Team
The Senior Leaders take responsibility for governing the local church, and together lead the overall direction of The Oak. Within the team, both Graham and Andrew also hold the role of Elder.
Elea Derry is one of our Senior Leaders and has a focus on discipleship and oversees our Community Groups and Life Groups.
Lucy Munton is one of our Senior Leaders and has a focus on our children & families; specifically leading the teams that lead The Nest, Treehouse and Oak Youth, and supporting the missional discipleship of children.
Will Munton is one of our Senior Leaders and has a focus on Mission, the Nations, and helping create ways for new people to feel at home and connected.
Ali Bowstead is our Church and Buildings Administrator and helps make everything at The Oak happen!
Virginia White is our awesome cleaner who helps keep everything at The Oak looking great.
All of our staff are part time and work for The Oak alongside other commitments and family life.
Team & Ministry Leaders
We also have an amazing group of team leaders, who oversee areas of church life.
Emily leads our worship team, bringing direction and vision for how we engage in sung worship together as a church, and investing time in developing our musicians.
Lucy overseas our kids work while also leading Treehouse. Jess and Simeon lead The Nest and Ole leads Oak Youth. All of them have teams working with them to lead each of our Sunday sessions.
Emma and Ali lead our Refreshment and Hosting teams, helping us all to feel connected and welcomed as we gather.
Rob and Dan lead our audio and visuals tech teams, and help to make all that we do on Sunday work for both those in person and online.
Nikki leads our Coffee & Chaos team; a free fun and friendly playgroup for preschool aged children.
We also have a great group of Community Group leaders - who you can see over on our Community Groups page.