Hi. We hope you enjoy catching up!
Welcome and thank you for joining us. If this is your first time at The Oak, hello, we hope you enjoy our time together today.
Our plan today is to start by worshiping together with one of our worship leaders (song words will be on-screen). After that, there'll be a time of prayer and news, followed by a short talk.
There are materials on this page for our 0-3's (The Nest), Preschool to Year 6 (Treehouse) and Year 7+ (Oak Youth) to help the whole family grow together.
Happy Sunday, see you at 10.30am!
Update on our plans for the coming months
We have posted a blog with an update of our plans in this season - if you haven't already taken a read, we'd encourage you to do so.
Interested in a conversation about faith?
Alpha creates a space to have a conversation about faith, life and God over a six-week online course. If you’re interested or would like to sign up, please email us.
Ways to connect
Click here to see all our community WhatsApp and Facebook groups.
Family resources
You can view all of our resources by clicking here, including content from previous weeks, songs, videos and recommended books!
The NestParables Week 3
We are currently learning about some of the stories that Jesus told. We can read about these in the Bible and they each show us how much God loves us and how we can be more like Him.
Verse ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love.’ Jeremiah 31v3
Book The story this week is ‘The House on the Rock’ from Stories Jesus Told by Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen (see link here). If you don’t have a copy of this book then have a look at this video of the story (see the video here) or have a look in your Bible at Matthew 7v24-27.
Songs God's love is big - Guess what, God loves you - When I look - The wise man built his house (see the videos here).
Activity House building. If you have some sand build some ‘houses’ in it, show your child if you build a house on the sand, it is easy to knock over (there are lots of recipes online for making your own sand at home if you don’t have any).
Then after this build some ‘houses’ on a firm foundation, this could be with duplo, lego, wooden blocks etc. Show your child how these houses are much harder to knock over.
As you build remind your child that Jesus says ‘I am like the wise man’s rock, if you trust in me, I will never let you down’.

TreehouseExplorers - Jesus heals a sick woman
Preschool - Year 6
This week we are going to be learning about how Jesus healed a sick women.
First things first though, let's pack your bags for the adventure into the story and some things needed for the crafts later.
This week you'll need:
The bible
A notepad
A pen
Clothes pegs
A blindfold, scarf or similar
Once your explorers have got their bags packed, do a lap of your house and/or garden and get ready to learn together.
Our story today takes us to the book of Mark, chapter 5, verses 25-34. You can watch this story on youtube here - you might remember part of this story as we looked at the story of Jarius' Daughter a few weeks ago, but today we are going to focus on the woman who has been bleeding for twelve years.
Check out our Family resources page or follow these links to our explorer worship songs
Take turns to put on a blindfold and (carefully) attatch some clothes pegs to your clothes. Those who are not blindfolded have to remove the pegs without getting caught.
Try making a Where's Wally picture of today's story. Draw a crowd of people, but make Jesus, Jarius, the sick woman and some of the disciples all slightly different. Get someone else in your household to try and find all the characters in the drawing.
Have you every been in a big crowd where everyone was pressed up together? Do you think you could tell if one specific person touched you?
Why could Jesus tell that the sick woman touched him?
Jesus was in a hurry as Jarius' daughter was very sick. Why do you think he stopped to find the women who touched his cloak?
Why not share what you've been up to on the Treehouse Parents Facebook Group?
Oak YouthKingdom Perspective
Year 7+
NEWS! This 12th July 2020 resource is the last Sunday session before the summer holidays. Our first Sunday session back (whether online or in person) will be the 12th September 2020. We would have had a group going to Newday this year, keep an eye out for more information on Newday online events over 2nd to 7th August (also on their instagram @newdayevent).
Today's topic: Kingdom Perspective, John 3:16
We are reading John 3:16. Here's the standard version of the bibles in the Youth room, it's the Good News Translation.
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life."
Bonus: Look the verse up in your own bible to spot any differences in the translations!
Now I'll break that down, read this:
...For God loved...
...the world so much ...
...that he gave his only Son...
...so that everyone...
...who believes in him...
...may not die...
...but have eternal life.
Grab a peice of paper and as many colours of pen as you like.
Choose one of the below:
a) Write the words out BUT for every important word/for every phrase, write with a different colour and letter shape (chunky or thin letter? Capitals or not?)
b) Draw a picture to represent each phrase of the verse
c) Draw a picture to represent God giving a gift to someone/you
Who is God's Son?
What did God's Son do that would pay for our sins?
Someone has no idea who Jesus is. What things would they need to know to be able to even contemplate "believing"?
What do you think eternal life looks like? Getting really really old? Or something else?
There is a Newday sung worship video here to help us praise God in our homes. Remember, God is not praised just because there are cool lights or drums. God is praised because people's HEARTS want to praise him with those things! Wherever we are, we can bring our hearts (however messy or not that is).
God bless you and your families.
Katie for the Oak Youth Team.