Hi. We hope you enjoy catching up!
Welcome and thank you for joining us. If this is your first time at The Oak, hello, we hope you enjoy our time together today.
Our plan today is to start by worshiping together with one of our worship leaders (song words will be on-screen). After that, there'll be a time of prayer and news, followed by a short talk.
There are materials on this page for our 0-3's (The Nest), Preschool to Year 6 (Treehouse) and Year 7+ (Oak Youth) to help the whole family grow together.
Happy Sunday, see you at 10.30am!
Andy Kind will be joining us again to preach this Easter Sunday and we also hope to have a baptism! - Why not invite your friends?
We are also moving fuel to the evening of Good Friday, to give us an opportunity to reflect, take communion and pray together.
Staycation - SAVE THE DATE
We hope to have a Staycation later in the year on the 16th October. Please put the date in your diary!
7:7 Prayer
Join us at 7am each weekday on Zoom for 15mins of prayer reflection - praying for our cities, the nation and the nations. Click here for more information.
Ways to connect
Click here to see all our community WhatsApp and Facebook groups.
Family resources
You can view all of our resources by clicking here, including content from previous weeks, songs, videos and recommended books!
The NestEaster Week 2
This week in the Nest we are looking at the story of what happened during the last supper.
Verse ‘He is not here; He has risen!’ Luke 24v6
Book Five Minute Bible Stories by Fiona Boon & Hayley Down (pages 51-69) (see link here). If you don’t have a copy of this book then have a look at these videos of the story (see the first video here, see the second video here).
Songs All through history - Great big God - Jump around - 123, Jesus is alive (see the videos here).
Activity 1 Have a little picnic with your family using some bread and red juice. Give thanks for the food at the beginning. Talk about how Jesus did this with his friends and said they should do it to help them remember him. Ask your child what they would like to thank God for or ask them to join in saying thank you to God for the food and that Jesus is our friend.
Activity 2 After the picnic have a bowl of water and towel ready for your child to come and have you wash their feet (or hands if they don’t want to do feet). Talk about how Jesus washed his friends’ feet to show how He loved His friends and wanted to bless, serve and look after them. Jesus was also showing how He washes away our sins/the wrong things we do. Although it’s a hard concept for young children to understand it is always good to tell our children that Jesus loves them.
TreehouseFootsteps to the Cross - Good Friday
Preschool - Year 6
Welcome back to Treehouse, as we make our way closer and closer to the Cross this Easter. Today's session is about Good Friday - and why it sounds so bad, but is actually pretty good!
We have a fun packed session today, with Lucy and Sam leading. Check out the video to get warmed up, to hear the Story of Jesus' sacrifice and to see what the crafts are this week.
- Have a go at making this craft, a sunset sky behind 3 crosses … Use the filter paper and pens to draw a sky, you can put some water on to blur the colours. Then attach it to the cross silhouette.
- Can you do some Salt Painting? Use PVA glue to create a cross and cover it in salt. Get rid of any excess salt before you start painting. This is a lovely visual reminder of what Jesus did for us.
- The hill where Jesus died was called Calvary hill – use a paper plate, crosses and crayons to create your own.
We hope you have a fantastic time, learning, playing and having fun as a family. If you are joining us for the first time do connect with us - drop us an email at hello@theoakchurch.co.uk - we would love to hear from you.
Lucy and the Treehouse team
lucy@theoakchurch.co.uk - Feel free to get in touch. I would love to see any pictures of what you have been getting up to and always love hearing from you.
Why not share what you've been up to on the Treehouse Parents Facebook Group?Oak YouthKeep Your Cool
Year 7+
We’ll be exploring if it’s ok to be angry with God through some psalms this week. Please bring some clay or playdough, your bible and a pen and paper.
The aim of this weeks session is to explore what the psalms teach us about anger.
Read: Genesis 4:1-12
Psalm 109 - try to imagine how the writer felt as they were writing it, what different emotions were they feeling?
Write your own psalm / poem to God, about something that makes you angry, and how you want God to sort it out. Follow this pattern, based on the Psalms
Address: an address to God e.g. God my father
Complaint: complaints e.g. why don’t my parents let me do what I want
Request: e.g. please change their attitude to me
Motivation: (why God should act) e.g. it’s unfair that this is happening and as you love justice…
Confidence: confidence that God will answer your prayer, and praise for his answers in the past
Lord You Hear the Cry - Geraldine Larry
Prayer: pray out your psalm to God.
Looking forward to seeing you Sunday at 7. Don’t forget your bible.
Rachel & the Oak Youth team