Bookings have now closed to join us in person at our building for 3rd January 2021.
If you'd like to join for next week please check here from Monday morning, or email for more information. We'd love to see you!
Hi. We hope you enjoy catching up!
Welcome and thank you for joining us. If this is your first time at The Oak, hello, we hope you enjoy our time together today.
Our plan today is to start by worshiping together with one of our worship leaders (song words will be on-screen). After that, there'll be a time of prayer and news, followed by a short talk.
There are materials on this page for our 0-3's (The Nest), Preschool to Year 6 (Treehouse) and Year 7+ (Oak Youth) to help the whole family grow together.
Happy Sunday, see you at 10.30am!
Fuel - tonight
Our monthly prayer gathering to worship and pray for our cities and the nations of the world. Tonight, 7:30pm on Zoom.
Church Family Meeting - Sunday 17th January, 7:30pm
An evening to share news from the last year and look ahead to 2021. If you are part of The Oak, we would love you to join us if at all possible.
Ways to connect
Click here to see all our community WhatsApp and Facebook groups.
Family resources
You can view all of our resources by clicking here, including content from previous weeks, songs, videos and recommended books!
The NestGod Made Me Week 1
This term we are going to be learning about how God created us and how we have amazing bodies that can do so many things. This week we will be learning about our sense of touch.
Verse ‘I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.’ Psalm 139v14
Book God knows all about me by Claire Page and God loves little me by Rebecca Elliott (see links here). We have also found a simple video of one this term’s books (see the video here).
Songs Deep, deep, deep - Jesus loves me - Great big God - Guess what, God loves you - Jump around (see the videos here) - God made my head, shoulders, knees and toes (lyrics below, sing the first line however you’d like to and then into the normal tune).
God made my… Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes And eyes and ears and mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toesActivity 1 Talk about how God made our sense of touch. Gather some different items and look at them with your child, feeling them and explaining the different textures. For example: prickly hairbrush, squashy sponge, soft teddy, hard building block, smooth ball etc.
Activity 2 Create a texture walk by setting out some plastic plates/boxes with different textured items on for your child walk bare foot on each (or feel with hands if they don’t want to get as messy). For example: dry rice crispies, squirty cream, cooked spaghetti, fluffy bath mat, bowl of water (to help with cleaning at the end!). As your child walks around talk with them about how the different items feel and how amazing it is that God made us able to feel and touch.

TreehouseHappy New Year and welcome to 2021
Preschool - Year 6
WOW, we have started a New Year - 2021. Today's session is a chance to sit down together as a family and reflect on the previous year, then to dream and explore what 2021 could look like.
You could get really creative with white boards, large paper, colours, magaizines to scrap book or just grab a peice of paper - perhaps you don't want to write anything down at all and that is cool too.
During this session, take time to: WORSHIP - PRAY - REFLECT - DREAM.
There will be a chance to send feedback to Lucy Munton this week, before we launch the video content again, so do watch out for that coming through emails! It would be helpful if you could start thinking about what works well for you as a family and what you would love to see in sessions this year.
WORSHIP IDEAS: Turn the lights off, get the sound up high and let's start this year with dancing and praise for Jesus!
- Superhero - Hillsong Motions or the Just dance version here
- Sitting together talk about what you want to thank God for in 2020, go round so everyone is heard.
- Each write down a prayer to put in a hat in the middle of the table and then pull them out to read.
- Each share one thing that is on your mind and pray for each other one at a time.
- Write down all the things that brought JOY in 2020 and thank God for them.
- Parents perhaps you could pray for you kids, then ask them to pray for you?
- Are there any family members or freinds you could pray for? Maybe someone you know is sick, could you all pray for them?
Father, we thank you so much for 2020, for the JOY that came from challenges. For the LOVE that you have shown to us. 2020 will be a year we never forget. I pray we can come closer to you as a family, learning more about you in 2021. AMEN
REFLECT IDEAS: Look back over the year, and have a chat about some of your highlights as a family.
- Go through pictures from this year and talk about speciifc memories and how they made you feel.
- Draw pictures together of things that made you laugh or cry this year.
- Draw a timeline of year, writing on key events that happened to you as a family.
- What parts have you loved about 2020 and what parts weren't so good - split your paper in half and make a list.
The idea is that you can go back to memories and reflect on how they made you feel, letting everyone have change to contribute and talk - see where the conversations lead you.
DREAM IDEAS: What do you want more or less of as a family in 2021?
Perhaps you could set some family goals here? Maybe it is more family meals together, or time to sit and talk as a family each day? Enjoy spending some time dreaming of the year ahead and what you want to achieve as a family or as individuals... I wonder what goals might come from it?
Lord, I pray you will be with each and every family joining in today's reflection and dreaming session. I pray that you will speak to your children and show us all how to be more like you. We love you and want more of your presence. Amen
Why not share what you've been up to on the Treehouse Parents Facebook Group?
Oak Youth
Year 7+
Content coming soon