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Live Stream:
6th December 2020View past Sundays

Bookings have now closed to join us in person at our building for 6th December 2020.

If you'd like to join for next week please check here from Monday morning, or email for more information. We'd love to see you!

Hi. We hope you enjoy catching up!

Welcome and thank you for joining us. If this is your first time at The Oak, hello, we hope you enjoy our time together today.

Our plan today is to start by worshiping together with one of our worship leaders (song words will be on-screen). After that, there'll be a time of prayer and news, followed by a short talk.

There are materials on this page for our 0-3's (The Nest), Preschool to Year 6 (Treehouse) and Year 7+ (Oak Youth) to help the whole family grow together.

Happy Sunday, see you at 10.30am!

You can also catch up to all our talks via our podcast here.



Our monthly prayer gathering to worship and pray for our cities and the nations of the world. Tonight, 7:30pm on Zoom.

Christmas gatherings

Details of our upcoming gatherings are below and also available on our events page. Who could you invite?

Family Carols, 10.30am (online & in person) on 13th December.
Carols by Candlelight, 6.30pm (in person) & 8.00pm (online & in person) on 20th December.
Christmas Day Celebration, 10.30am (online) on 25th December.

Nativity Hunt

Visit Westroyd and Hainsworth parks on the weekend of the 19th-20th December to go on a hunt to find the 8 characters from the Christmas story. More information is here (and feel free to share this with your friends!)

Ways to connect

Click here to see all our community WhatsApp and Facebook groups.

Family resources

You can view all of our resources by clicking here, including content from previous weeks, songs, videos and recommended books!

The NestChristmas Week 4

We are currently learning about how God’s son, Jesus, was born at Christmas.

Verse ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.’ John 3v16

Book Five Minute Bible Stories by Fiona Boon & Hayley Down (pages 21-39) (see link here). Feel free to use any book or children’s Bible telling the story of Jesus’ birth. We have also found some videos telling the Christmas story in 4 parts, this week it is the story of Jesus and the Wise Men (see the video here).

Songs Jump for joy - Away in a manger - Oh what a special night - Oh what a glorious night - Go tell it on the mountain (see the videos here).

Activity Decorate star biscuits using icing and sweets. You could buy or make your own biscuits and as your child decorates, talk to them about how God put a star in the sky to show the wise men where Jesus had been born.

If you don’t want to make biscuits you could make stars out of playdough, card or foil, again using the time to talk about how God put a star in the sky to show the wise men where Jesus had been born.

TreehouseMessages - The Star and the Wise Men
Preschool - Year 6

We are continuing with our series - MESSAGES. Where we are learning about the messages that were given to some of God's people, Today is a really important one! The announcement of the birth of Jesus! 

Check out the video for the content and games. 

Our session today is the final session on Messages, where we learn about the Wise Men, following the Star to find Jesus! 


Born is the King - Have a go at following these actions and singing! 

Jesus is the King - Let's jump and Dance for our King Jesus! 

Hark the Herald Angel Sing - Let's get that Chrsitmas Music on while the crafts are taking place!

It's About the Cross - Not a Worship song, but a nice video with lyrics to watch - reminding children about the real reason of Christmas 


  1. Using toilet rolls can you create their own hanging or standing wise men to display in your home this Christmas?
  2. Can you use felt to create your own image of the Wise men on their journey?
  3. Can you make a crown for the wise men or maybe make a crown for them to give to Jesus?
Why not share what you've been up to on the Treehouse Parents Facebook Group?

Oak YouthThe Promised Messiah
Year 7+

Please bring a pencil/pen and a sheet of paper, a bible and your favourite Christmassy toy to our zoom call 7-8.30pm on Sunday.

The aim of this session is to learn that Jesus’ birth was the fulfilment of a promise from God to save his people that had been made a long time ago.... and that Jesus is still our saviour today

Read: Please read these pairs of verses before Sunday evening. They show how Jesus’ life was a fulfilment of prophesies made 700 years before

Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:18-23

Isaiah 35:5-6 and Matthew 11:5, Matthew 12:22 

Isaiah 40:3-5 and Matthew 3:3

Isaiah 49:6 and Luke 2:30-32 

Isaiah 50:6 and Matthew 26:67

Listen: To this song which reflects Isaiah 9:6         

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Pray: Find out what Emmanuel means and then ask Jesus into your heart to be with you always

God bless your week!

Rachel and the Oak Youth team