Afghan Refugee Response
Posted by Lucy
on 8th October 2021
There is an encouragement that has taken root in my spirit, “we are not waiting on a move of God, we are a move of God.” Right now, right here, we can see God move. The other week, I watched our church respond to an urgent need in a way that has taken my breath away and reminded me once again of the beauty of the church.
Just a few days before, Lucy put out a church request. 25 refugee families were coming, fleeing war-torn nations and there were some practical needs. She was asked by someone outside our church who said the need and the church responded; money came in… from you, the bride. Time was given at short notice, from you, His people. You came together, to help pack the bags. Ali made an assembly line, like the absolute admin Queen that she is. Cards were written by sweet members of our church.
Welcoming these really hurting people, fleeing a war-torn nation, into our nation. Mums and Dads with kids, just like you. In 24 hours.
Why? Because we saw the need, broke down the steps required, and then took them. There is a world out there, desperate for Jesus and we are his people who love him. He tells us to “love the Lord our God… and love our neighbour as ourselves.” We did that.
What would Jesus do? He would meet the need. He took five loaves and two fishes and fed thousands but he told the disciples to get the loaves and fish. We partner with Jesus to see “on earth as it is in heaven.” Isaiah 61 is his mandate; the mission is to see the world know Jesus. One way to express that is to meet a physical need. Revival starts in families. It starts with the people of God, loving the world he created.
We can make a difference, all of us together by doing our tiny bit- whatever that may be. Maybe your bit was praying? We need that! Maybe your bit was going to work today, so you could earn some money that you kindly gave? You contributed. And I believe what we just saw, was a glimpse of the Acts 2 church- in the middle of Leeds, in a place I’d not even heard of until 2 years ago.
I’m the granddaughter of a refugee myself. My Grandad fled his homeland to England to escape death. I know the power of a warm welcome and the effect when it's lacking. I grew up watching someone courageously navigate a life full of trial and trauma. What you did, wonderful Oak Church will have made a massive impact on these sweet families having to leave everything to keep their children safe.
We can feel so overtaken by the need that we forget to move our feet forwards. Yet, what just happened, showed a few simple and practical steps and we can be involved in being missional.
Keep going Church!! You are making a huge impact.
Written by Rebecca Latz
The SLT would love to thank all who overflowed with generosity in their giving to our care fund as part of our special offering. Your compassion enabled us to quickly support the team in being hospitable to these families, stepping in to meet this practical need. Thank you!
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