Eastbound! Looking Ahead to 2024
Posted by Jack Carter
on 7th January 2024
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable”
This quote, attributed to General Eisenhower, Commander in Chief of the Allied Forces in Europe during WW2 and later a two-term President of the USA, appeals to us because, although we are both planners, we have come to recognise that planting a church is a bit like preparing for the unknowns of battle! We continue to seek “the Helper, the Holy Spirit” and trust that “He will teach (us) all things” (John 14:25) as we ready ourselves to launch.
However, we do want to share with you a brief update as to our plans for 2024, as we prepare to plant into East Leeds.
The main headline is that we are going to be meeting four times in the first half of 2024. At each of these gatherings we will worship, pray, share on the theme as God has revealed to us so far, and then make space for questions and thoughts from those who attend. If you are intending to plant with us, considering doing so or wanting to find out more, please do come. There will be some provision for children for part of the morning. We will always end with sharing food together. This is a rhythm that we will want to continue!
We would love to see you at the dates below:
- Saturday 3rd February - Vision, Values and the Church name
- Saturday 23rd March - Church Culture
- Saturday 11th May - Expectations
- Saturday 22nd June - Healthy Church
We’ll meet at St James the Great Church, Manston (Church Lane, Cross Gates, Leeds, LS15 8JB) from 10am-1pm.
In other news, we are hoping that our family (and a few others!) will be moving to the area within the next 6-9 months. Exciting times ahead with prayerful support very much appreciated!
Love Jack and Mez Carter
If you have any questions please do contact Jack at jack@theoakchurch.co.uk
or 07762 0244335.
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