Loving our church family well - Covid update
Posted by Ali Bowstead
on 15th September 2021
It’s wonderful to be able to be together again at our Sunday Gatherings, to worship, learn and socialise together. We understand that it might feel strange after the length of time we have been away from the building and having had so many restrictions to adhere to in all areas of life. Our biggest priority is to love each other well and to all play a part in doing what we can to keep each other safe.
We acknowledge that Covid has not gone away and that restrictions may come back into play over the winter and we will respond to any changes as and when they come into force. We’ll also continue to monitor numbers and space and put in additional measures if required.
These are some of the things we will continue to do at The Oak:
Open windows to increase the ventilation in the rooms
Encourage the wearing of face coverings while singing and moving around the building (unless excempt)
Hand sanitiser stations will remain in place
Increased cleaning of regular touch points and cleaning supplies readily available at all times
Keep the marquee up and encourage socialising outside
Continue streaming our Sunday gatherings online so if you’d prefer, or are feeling at all unwell, you can join us from home
Things you might want to consider doing to protect yourself and our church family:
Wear a face covering in crowded places, or whenever you feel more comfortable doing so
Consider the distance between you and other people. You can put something on the chair beside you if you’d like, to keep it empty.
Communicate how you are feeling - not everyone is ready to hug yet and that’s totally understandable
You may want to take a lateral flow test before gathering together (if you have no symptoms)
If someone in your household is feeling unwell, stay at home, book a test, and join us online.
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