Posted by Chris Mason on 12th May 2015
If you're not sure how to pray for Nepal and it's people, 'Viva' have some helpful pointers. Pray for:
- The thousands of people in Nepal affected by the earthquakes: injured, homeless and those grieving the loss of loved ones.
- Those providing emergency aid and relief.
- Children who are at increased risk of being exploited and trafficked; that they would be kept safe.
- Great wisdom for all those providing long term support to the nation.
You can give to the Viva Nepal appeal here.
We are also working with churches across the UK to send funds directly to those in need and those supporting the aid efforts. If you'd like to give, please give to The Oak with the reference 'NEPAL' and we will send the funds on in due course.
Details: Ref: 'NEPAL', The Oak Church, 61522639, 40-27-33 or put cash or cheque in an envelope in the offering box on Sunday.
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