Questions for reflection from our Sundays…Across the Cities Online Gathering
Posted by Chris Mason
on 5th April 2020
To catch up on Sundays talk, click here.
5th April 2020 - Questions from Chris' talk continuing our series in Mark's Gospel. Mark 15:42-47.
1) Joseph and Nicodemus brought their worship to Jesus in the act of reverently burying Jesus. How are you bringing worship to Jesus this week??
2) It cost Jesus everything to win you. Nicodemus and Josephs response to Jesus cost them a lot (social standing / finances / time etc). What does it cost you to follow Jesus?
3) What's the difference between paying God back and responding to His gift? What does it look like for you?
4) Galatians 3 talks about us being In Christ. What does that mean?
29th March 2020 - Questions from Katy's talk continuing our series in Mark's Gospel. Mark 15:33-41.
1) How have you been feeling this week? Have you been able to talk to God about those feelings?
2) Is there a Psalm that sums up how you've been feeling this week? (If you don't know many Psalms, have a look through some of them together)
3) What does it mean that Jesus has 'jumped first' and gone before us?
4) How can we stand with others in our community even when we can't be physically present?
22nd March 2020 - Questions from Chris' talk: Coming to God when life doesn't look like we hoped it would.
1. How can you identify with the woman in the story (what makes it difficult for you to come to Jesus)?
2. What does this story tell you about God; about who He is and what He has done?
3. What does this story tell you about you; about how God sees you and what He has done for you?
4. What might you do differently this week in the light of this story?
5. The woman tells everyone she knows. What does that look like for you?
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