Theology - let’s dig a little deeper….together
Posted by Chris Mason
on 29th June 2014
A robust, Biblical, God-honouring theology (knowledge of God and Scripture) is one of the most transforming and empowering things anyone can gain in this life. At The Oak, we have always strived to dig deep into the scriptures and to invest in our understanding and walk with our incredible God.
For those seeking greater understanding and revelation of the Bible, Mosaic Church (The church that planted The Oak and a church that we are networked together with) has developed a course to equip our churches to read, study and apply Scripture effectively and deeply. The Mosaic Training School aims to serve The Oak Church and those churches networked together through Mosaic Church and Newfrontiers.
If you are hungry to go deeper in God's Word, don't miss this opportunity.
The course is run on Saturdays starting at 9am with breakfast (provided), and lasting until 4.30pm. There is time for five teaching sessions, along with group discussion, breaks, and lunch. The course happens in Leeds city centre at Mosaic's offices (at Ebor Court). The full course consists of 20 sessions over 2 years but each year stands alone so it is possible to do just 1 year at a time. The course will meet every month except August and December, generally on the second Saturday of each month.
SOME OF THE FUN TOPICS COVERED (without all the fancy words)
Intro to Theology and Scripture, Healthy Hermeneutics, Old Testament Survey, New Testament Survey, The Church, The Trinity, God the Father, Christ the Son, The Holy Spirit, Sovereignty and Freedom Kingdom and Covenant Theology, Biblical Leadership, Mankind, Sin and Salvation Mission and Prayer, Creation, The End Times, Ethics and Moral Controversies Apologetics, Sacraments, Women in Ministry, Justice and the Poor, Culture and Contextualization.
There's always a COST!
The course costs £300 per year, which will cover all resources, teaching and refreshments. The Oak will help with these fees as we think it's a superb course offering an outstanding learning experience
FOR QUESTIONS, INTEREST OR SIGN-UP: Please email Daniel at Mosaic Church or speak to Chris at The Oak.
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